Policies and Bylaws

Library Bylaws

The Alberta Libraries Act allows public library boards to pass bylaws for the safety and use of library facilities. These bylaws carry the same legal weight as bylaws passed by the municipality and help protect your library and the people and items within it.

Bylaws govern conditions for:

  • admitting the public into the building
  • borrowing or using library materials
  • suspending or revoking borrowing privileges
  • charging fees for library cards and other library services

Read the full Bylaws of the City of Lethbridge Library Board for the Safety and Use of the Library: LPL Bylaws

Library Policies

To maintain a safe and welcoming environment and so that everyone can enjoy fun and educational activities at the Library, all customers are expected to follow Library Policies and Bylaws. We all deserve a pleasant environment where we can create, learn, be and work.

Intellectual Freedom is a deeply held and foundational value of the public library.  As an essential service in Connecting YOU, Lethbridge Public Library plays an important role protecting your right to uncensored access to content (collections, services, programs and events) representing wide ranging topics, beliefs and opinions that reflect the varied interests of the communities we serve.  

With more than 200,000 items in our collection and hundreds of programs and events, we are certain that not all content offered by the Library will align with everyone’s values and tastes. We have processes in place to open conversations with our customers when one encounters an item or program that concerns them. Read the full policy: LB17 Intellectual Freedom

LPL offers a wide selection of materials and programs to meet the needs and interests of our diverse communities. Concerns about materials or programs are taken seriously and we want to make certain that the fundamental principles of intellectual freedom are upheld. The Board’s Collection Development policy (LB21 Collection Development) outlines the process for customers to express their concerns and how decisions are made. After reading the policy, customers may submit a Request for Reconsideration using the form available below, or at any customer service desk.

Submit a request for reconsideration: FORM Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials

Lethbridge Public Library customers and staff expect and deserve a welcoming and pleasant environment in which to use the Library’s services and facilities.

To ensure enjoyment of the library for all Library patrons, the Library enforces a Code of Conduct policy: LOP-LO1 Code of Conduct

Disruptive and/or inappropriate conduct requires staff involvement when it interferes with other persons’ use of the Library and/or when it could result in injury to self or others. Violations of library rules and expectations may result in restriction of Library privileges, including suspension from library facilities and services. Depending on the seriousness of the offence, violations may result in prosecution.

The Lethbridge Public Library provides access to the Internet to fulfill its goal in Connecting YOU.

When using Library provided Internet access Library patrons have the right to:

  • equitable access to Internet access devices and networks
  • confidentiality and privacy, to the extent possible in a public setting

By using Internet access provided by the Library you are agreeing to the Acceptable Use guidelines contained within the Internet Access Policy: LOP-LO2 Internet Access

While using the Library’s network, Library patrons may not:

  • Damage or disrupt Library networks or equipment
  • Intercept other user’s data
  • Access sites or transmit materials that violate Canadian federal or provincial laws or City/Library Bylaws and/or are defamatory, discriminatory or obscene
  • Violate copyright laws or software licensing agreements

The Library reserves the right to terminate an Internet session at any time.

For the safety and comfort of children, the Library requires parents, guardians, and caregivers of children 5 and under to accompany children while they are using the Library and its services. Parents, guardians and caregivers of children 6 to 9 years of age are strongly encouraged to accompany their children and must remain within the Library facilities. 

Library staff and security cannot be responsible for children left unattended within the Library facilities or on Library property. Read the full policy: LOP-LO3 Unattended Child

The Library uses video surveillance systems for the purposes of crime detection and prevention, and to monitor for inappropriate behavior that violates our Code of Conduct.  The information collected by video surveillance systems will only be used for the purpose for which it was collected, and only disclosed in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and its regulations. Read the full policy: LOP-LIT3 Video Surveillance Information Collection

More information on how the Library protects your personal information can be found below.

The Library has various policies and procedures in place to ensure the protection of personal information in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act and its regulations. 

The Online Privacy policy informs patrons wishing to use LPL online services what personal information is gathered by those services, and how that information is used and protected. LOP-LIT7 Online Privacy Policy

The Confidentiality of User Records policy outlines the Library’s responsibility to protect the personal information gathered in the course of Library business, and how your personal information is used and accessed. LB18 Confidentiality of User Records - Final.doc

In accordance with the FOIP Act the Library retains a Personal Information Bank, which is a list of all personal information collected by the Library, how it is used and under what authority. Access the Library’s Personal Information Bank here: Personal Information Bank

To request access to your personal information please complete and submit the Request to Access Information Form (Request to Access Information form) to the Library’s FOIP Coordinator, Kat.Short@lethlib.ca, or by mail or in person at Lethbridge Public Library, 810 5 Ave S, Lethbridge, AB  T1J 4C4